Quando Vozes Africanas Ressoam

O projeto "African Voices" reúne diversas vozes africanas para advogar a favor da expansão e melhoria dos direitos e da saúde sexual e reprodutiva (DSSR) na África subsaariana. Nossas comunidades crescem quando nossas mulheres e meninas prosperam. Ao apoiar o acesso aos DSSR, estamos construindo uma base para aumentar o potencial delas e abrindo caminho para um futuro melhor para a África.


conversas sobre direitos e saúde sexual e reprodutiva em toda a África subsaariana.


vozes africanas e movimentos locais para aumentar o conhecimento e a comunicação e reduzir o estigma.


casais, famílias, mulheres e meninas para exigir melhores produtos e serviços de saúde e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos (DSSR).


a aprendizado contínuo e o acesso aos serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva.

Estamos trabalhando para realçar o perfil dos DSSR na África subsaariana, focando em três países:

Namíbia, Níger e Cabo Verde.

Picture a young girl in Namibia, full of intelligence, dreams and potential, navigating the challenges of her environment. Will she be another statistic in an environment where sexual and gender-based violence threaten to obstruct her path to a healthy and fulfilling life? We refuse to let these obstacles define her destiny. Instead, we envision a world where she, and countless others like her, is empowered to thrive.

At the heart of our project lies the understanding that sexual and reproductive health encompasses so much more than equality for the individual. By improving maternal and newborn care, providing access to family planning services, combating sexually transmitted infections, and promoting lifelong, comprehensive sexuality education, among other initiatives, we can transform the potential of communities and entire nations. We recognise the critical need to address the underlying issues that undermine the health of women and girls in Africa, such as weak economic capacity and understand that improved SRHR has a direct impact on a country’s GDP.

Imagine a scenario where all our Namibian daughters, sisters, mothers and wives are well-informed, protected and supported by simple yet effective policies, rights and social infrastructures from an early age. Envision a world where she is granted agency to make choices that uplift her as an individual. By uniting as a community around the importance of equitable access to safe SRHR, we can uplift the girl child, enabling her to play a vital role in the development of her country and, ultimately, the entire continent.

Through the African Voices project, we strive to reshape narratives surrounding sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa. As an advocacy project, our focus is on initiating, sustaining and amplifying conversations regarding the urgent need for improved SRHR. We aspire to lay the foundation for increasing SRHR knowledge, reducing abortion-related stigma and empowering couples, families, women and girls to demand better SRHR products and services. Our goal is to build a coalition of like-minded individuals and organisations who share our vision and can carry forward this work. Together we can drive meaningful change from within, creating a world in which SRHR is prioritised and protected for all.

Quem Somos

Vozes Africanas Liderando:

Prof. Myriam Sidibe – Lead African Voice

Figura proeminente na interseção entre saúde pública e o setor privado. Fundadora, Autora e Chefe de Missão da Brands on a Mission.


Dr. Michel Sidibe – Senior Advisor

Defensor de longa data da saúde e da justiça social, Enviado Especial da União Africana para a Agência de Medicamentos Africana, ex-Ministro da Saúde e dos Assuntos Sociais do Mali, ex-Diretor Executiva da UNAIDS.

Apoiado por diversos especialistas em DSSR de toda a África subsaariana.

Possibilitado pela equipe Brands on a Mission:

Uma equipe de pessoas apaixonadas por DSSR operando de todos os cantos do globo.

Dr. Ekua Yankah – Project Lead

Matilda Crowfoot – Project Manager

Gladys Nkengasong – Project Officer

Elsie Wandera – Administrative Support

Michael Opondo – Senior Media Advisor

Val Lopes – Producer

Arikia Millikan – Editorial Support & Speech Writing

Ângela Gama – Project Intern


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African Voices é um projeto de advocacia liderado pela

Brands on a Mission